The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

General Policy Settings

To set up general security policy, use the General Policy tab in the Policies Editor section on the navigation panel.

General policy includes: administrator role separation, default settings, access protocol volume threshold values, identifier format for repository objects, limiting document loading to repository, object version control on update.

NOTE. When roles of information security administrator and application administrator are separated, the Policies Editor tab is available only for information security administrator.

The General Policy tab:

Administrator role separation

Default settings

Access protocol volume threshold values

Identifier format

Allowed document formats in repository

Object version control on update

To apply the specified security policy settings:

NOTE. If section parameters have been changed, an attempt to go to another section of the security manager or to close it displays a request to apply changed settings.

If required, the security policy settings can be exported to the file.

See also:

Selecting Access Control Methods and Their Setup | Setting Up User Password Check