To clear access protocol:
In the web application, click the Clear button on the toolbar.
In the desktop application select the Access Protocol > Clear main menu item.
After executing one of the operations the Clear Access Protocol dialog box opens:
Select the radio button to clear access protocol:
Delete All Records. All protocol records are deleted.
Delete Records up to Specified Date (inclusive). After selecting the radio button specify date, before which all records must be deleted.
Before starting the clearing:
In the web application, deleted access protocol records are automatically exported to a CSV file.
In the desktop application, it is prompted to save access protocol to file.
If the protocol is successfully saved/exported, access protocol clearing starts. After the clearing is executed the protocol displays a record about clearing results.
NOTE. The Clear main menu item or the Clear button is not available, if the user is allowed only to view the protocol. When roles of information security administrator and application administrator are separated, the Clear main menu item and the Clear button are available only for information security administrator. When clearing access protocol records for active sessions are deleted, if clearing is executed from the service user.
See also: