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Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Setting Up of Time Series Analysis

Creating and Setting Up of Time Series Analysis

Time series is the a set of series observations characterized by the unique set of attributes values. Each observation included into the series is named a series point. It is characterized by the observation time, its value and a set of additional characteristics.

To start working with the time series it is required to create a new workbook and specify a data source for it, or open the existing workbook with the specified data source. One workbook can contain series from several data sources.

Basic Operations with Time Series

Add series to workbook sheet

Create a time series

Delete a series from workbook sheet

Delete a series from database

Move/Copy time series/observations

Change series order

Group/Ungroup series

Set up time series basic parameters

Set up parameters of several time series

Set up calculation method parameters

Set up data display period

Operations with Series Data

Edit series data

Save or Undo changes

Edit series attribute values

Edit observation attributes values

Unbind series from data source

Transform series values

Set up series measurement units

Refresh series data

View version history of time series/observation

Filter data

View summary statistics of time series/observations

Setting Up Series Format

Select displayed attributes

Set up formatting

Set up translation of time series names into other languages

See also:

Time Series Analysis Interface Description | Operations with Workbook and Sheets