Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Creating and Settings Up Workbook and Sheets
All the operations with time series are performed in a workbook. The workbook can contain one or several sheets with different data views. Each sheet has a separate tab with its name on it:
To create a workbook, select the main menu item:
New Workbook. A new workbook, which does not contain a data source.
Open. The object selection dialog box opens. Select the time series database. A workbook is created, using the specified database as a data source.
To save the workbook to the repository, select the Save main menu item.
If the workbook is saved for the first time, the dialog box opens for selecting the folder to save the workbook in the current repository.
NOTE. Saving a workbook is available if the user has permissions for changing the repository object.
Select the Save As context menu item. The dialog box opens for selecting a folder to store the workbook copy in the current repository. In the desktop application the object is stored by default with old name and automatically generated identifier. In the web application it is required to enter a new name for object, and, if required, identifier. If the identifier is not specified, it is created automatically on saving.
IMPORTANT. The identifier of saved object should not contain Russian letters and spaces.
On creating a copy of the workbook, a new workbook is created in the repository, and it is opened in the same mode as the source workbook.
To export a workbook, select the Export item in the main menu and choose the format for workbook export:
Description of available export formats and export features is given in the Workbook Export section.
To open the saved workbook, select the Open main menu item. The dialog box for opening the object opens.
The following refresh methods are available for a workbook:
Single refresh. Click the Refresh button on the Home ribbon tab.
Autorefresh. Click the Automatic Refresh button on the Home ribbon tab.
For details about single refresh and autorefresh see the Refreshing Workbook section.
To create workbook parameters, use the Manage Parameters tab in the Parameters dialog box.
To edit parameter values, use the Data Source Parameters side panel tab.
For details about working with workbook parameters see the Workbook Parametrization section.
Select the Print main menu item.
In the desktop application the submenu is displayed, containing the following items:
Page Settings. The dialog box opens to set up page layout and print options.
Preview. A workbook is displayed in the preview mode before printing. Principles of working with a workbook in the preview mode are given in the Object Preview and Print section.
In the web application the dialog box opens to set up print options. The order of working with the dialog box depends on the browser in use.
In the desktop application. Publishing a workbook to the SharePoint portal is available. Select the Discuss in SharePoint main menu item.
NOTE. The command is available if repository parameters have the link to the SharePoint portal set up.
In the web application:
Publishing a link to the workbook in the social network is available. Select the Share main menu item and select the required social network in the submenu that opens.
Publishing a workbook on the SharePoint portal is available. Select the Discuss in SharePoint main menu item.
Select the Close main menu item. The user is prompted to save the current workbook before closing.
To add a new sheet to the workbook:
Click the button to the right of tabs.
Select the Insert item in the context menu of any sheet tab. The context menu is available only in the desktop application.
A new sheet is added to the end of a workbook.
To select the sheet data source, use the series tree.
To refresh the current workbook sheet, click the Refresh button on the ribbon. The button is available on each tab. The list is refreshed.
To delete the workbook sheet:
Click the button next to the sheet name to be deleted.
Select the Delete item in the sheet's context menu. The context menu is available only in the desktop application.
A confirmation is required.
To rename the active workbook sheet:
Double-click its name.
Select the Rename item in the sheet's context menu. The context menu is available only in the desktop application.
The name opens in the edit mode. After changing the name press the ENTER key.
To go to the required sheet, click on its tab. If the tabs of all sheets do not fit the window of a workbook, navigation buttons are displayed:
. Scrolls the sheet tabs to the left.
. Displays the list of all sheets. To go to the required sheet, click its name.
. Scrolls the sheet tabs to the right.
Show, hide and set up sheet title
To show sheet title, click the Title button on the Home or View ribbon tab. The title is displayed in the upper part of a sheet.
To hide workbook sheet title, release the Title button on the Home or View ribbon tab. In the web application the similarly named button on the Title ribbon tab can also be used.
To set up structure and title format, use the Title tab on the ribbon and on the side panel.
See also: