Time Series Analysis
The Time Series Analysis tool is designed for time series analysis:
The Time Series Analysis tool is used to analyze data changing in time.
Key features:
Placing time series on a single workspace with the ability to merge and visually present them
Checking modeling data quality: detecting outliers, missing data, and so on
Grouping, sorting and filtering time series, conditional formatting, calculating summary statistics
Building new time series by means of various models: mathematical formulas, extrapolation, factor analysis, and so on
Saving configured calculations as models.
To get started, see the Getting Started with the Time Series Analysis Tool article.
To build workbook, see the Building Workbook article.
To work with ready workbooks, see the Working with Ready Workbook article.
To import data to time series database, see the Data Import article.
To export data from time series database, see the Data Export article.
If you have any questions, see the Questions and Answers article.