Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Time Series Database > Setting Up Attributes
There are two groups of attributes for each time series:
Series attributes. A set of characteristics, the sum of values of which explicitly identifies the time series
Observation attributes. A set of characteristics, which is owned by the each observation of a series.
By default, time series database already contains a minimum set of series system attributes and observation system attributes. They are highlighted with green and their deletion is forbidden.
The corresponding tab on the Attributes page of the time series database wizard is used to work with each group of attributes:
Specify general parameters:
The following operations are available on working with attributes:
Translate attribute names into other languages
Set up default sequence of mandatory attributes
To work with attribute properties, use the following dialog box:
A set of properties available for edit depends on the attribute type:
See also: