Time Series Analysis > Questions and Answers > How to Create a Multilingual Time Series Database?
Time series names may support different user interface languages, for example, Russian and English. Time series databases containing such series are named multilingual.
Only attributes that are references to MDM dictionaries are available for translation.
NOTE. Multilingual time series are available, if the user has not changed series name.
To create a multilingual time series database, execute the following:
Open the Parameters dialog box. To do this, select the Tools > Parameters item in the main menu of the object navigator.
Go to the Default Settings tab and make sure that default language is set for repository. If the language is not specified, specify it. Note that default repository language is selected once and cannot be changed. Save changes and close the Parameters dialog box.
To generate time series names, disable mnemonics language.
Set time series name creation rules by means of the Fore.
Set up translate attribute names into other languages.
Make sure that MDM dictionaries to which attributes are referredare multilingual.
After execution of all steps a multilingual time series database is created.
Workbooks that use such time series databases as data sources will also be multilingual. Calculated series names will be displayed in the interface language of Foresight Analytics Platform. If the multilinguality is not set up for time series then names of time series will be displayed in the language that is set on creating the series.
The earlier created workbooks do not support multilinguality.
See also: