Time Series Analysis > Questions and Answers > How Do Time Series Values Change when Scaling the Data?
Scaling is bringing the data stored in a time series database to a common scale of measurement units (normalization). Scaling can be performed on data import and export. Scaling is not performed by default.
Scaling features on consequent data export and import:
If scaling is performed on data export or import, its time series data is not normalized because scaling is performed twice.
If scaling is performed only on data export, the unloaded data is changed. The data imported to the database is already normalized.
If scaling is performed only on data import, the exported data remains unchanged. Normalization is performed when loading data to time series database.
If scaling is not performed on data export and import, the time series data remains unchanged.
NOTE. Scaling is performed even if measurement units are the required attribute.
How to execute scaling on data export?
How to execute scaling on data import?
See also:
Data Import: Data Source Settings | Data Export: Data Selection