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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMdService


Namespace: PP.Exp;

Inheritance hierarchy






The EaxMdService class implements a service used to work with an express report.


PP.initClass(PP.Exp.EaxMdService, PP.Mb.BiService, "EaxMdService");


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif EaxMdService The EaxMdService constructor creates an instance of the EaxMdService class.


  Property name Brief description
property_image.gif BubbleChart The BubbleChart property sets and gets metadata of express report bubble chart.
property_image.gif Chart The Chart property sets and returns metadata of express report chart.
property_image.gif Map The Map property sets and returns report map metadata.
property_image.gif MetaGet The MetaGet property determines metadata of the service that is used to work with express report.
property_image.gif Transformation The Transformation property determines transformations of the services that are used to work with express report.


  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif addSheet The addSheet method adds a new sheet to express report document.
sub_image.gif createCopy The createCopy method creates a copy of express report.
sub_image.gif createDocument The createDocument method creates an express report document.
sub_image.gif deleteFromDimSelection The deleteFromDimSelection method removes elements from selection using express report table coordinates.
sub_image.gif doFetchData The doFetchData method refreshes express report data, the data that has been changed but not saved, will be lost.
sub_image.gif doUndoAction

The doUndoAction method is used to work with undo/redo stack in express report.

sub_image.gif edit The edit method opens an express report in the edit mode.
sub_image.gif editDocument The editDocument method opens an express report document in the edit mode.
sub_image.gif Export The Export method exports express report data.
sub_image.gif fetchData The fetchData method refreshes express report data from database and shows a confirmation dialog box if the table contains changed data.
sub_image.gif generateModeling The generateProblem method sends a request for modeling problem generation.
sub_image.gif generateWbk The generateWbk method sends a request for workbook generation.
sub_image.gif getEaxImportUrl The getEaxImportUrl method returns URL of request handler for data import to report.
sub_image.gif getMetabase The getMetabase method returns a repository.
sub_image.gif getStatData The getStatData method returns summary statistics of express report data.
sub_image.gif getTopobase The getTopobase method returns express report map topobase.
sub_image.gif loadDocMd The loadDocMd method loads a document to the service used for working with an express report.
sub_image.gif loadEaxMd The loadEaxMd method loads an express report to a service to work with it.
sub_image.gif movePrivateDim The movePrivateDim method moves private dimension up or down.
sub_image.gif open The open method opens an express report in the view mode.
sub_image.gif openDocument The openDocument method opens an express report document in the view mode.
sub_image.gif removeSheet The removeSheet method removes the specified express report sheet.
sub_image.gif renameSheet The renameSheet method renames an express report document sheet.
sub_image.gif saveObject The saveObject method saves an express report and all its sheets.
sub_image.gif saveTableData The saveTableData method saves table data in express report.
sub_image.gif setActiveSheet The setActiveSheet method activates the specified express report document sheet.
sub_image.gif setAgrMethod The setAgrMethod method sets data aggregation function in fixed dimensions of table.
sub_image.gif setAutoUpdate The setAutoUpdate method sets up express report autoupdate.
sub_image.gif setCellsAutoFit The setCellsAutoFit method enables autofit option for express report table cells.
sub_image.gif setChartDataSource The setChartDataSource method sets a data source for express report chart.
sub_image.gif setChartDrillDown The setChartDrillDown method drills selections down the hierarchy for express report chart.
sub_image.gif setChartSelection The setChartSelection method sets selection of express report chart series.
sub_image.gif setChartSelectionAction The setChartSelectionAction method determines operation executed with the selected series of express report chart.
sub_image.gif setCustomDimension The setCustomDimension method executes operations with custom hierarchy elements.
sub_image.gif setDataSourceDestination The setDataSourceDestination method sets data source display version.
sub_image.gif setDataSourceFactor The setDataSourceFactor method sets report source by factor inside the source.
sub_image.gif setDataSources The setDataSources method sets a data source for a cube.
sub_image.gif setDimDataFilter

The setDimDataFilter method sets a filter for elements of express report highlighting.

sub_image.gif setDimensionSettings The setDimensionSettings method is used to set values on the Dimension Detailing properties panel.
sub_image.gif setEaxMd The setEaxMd method sets metadata to express report object.
sub_image.gif setEaxObjectMeta The setEaxObjectMeta method sets metadata of the specified visualizer.
sub_image.gif setEnabled3D The setEnabled3D method determines whether 3D maps can be shown in express report.
sub_image.gif setFilter The setFilter method sets a filter for express report data values.
sub_image.gif setFixInfo The setFixInfo method changes information about fixed express report dimensions.
sub_image.gif setGridCMenuCellInHeader Outdated. The setGridCMenuCellInHeader method implements context menu items of table headers for drilldown, drillup or fixing of elements.
sub_image.gif setGridCMenuCellInHeaderCalcBasedOn Outdated. The setGridCMenuCellInHeaderCalcBasedOn method implements an item of table headers context menu that is used to calculate an element based on another element.
sub_image.gif setGridCMenuCellInHeaderFixElementWRep Outdated. The setGridCMenuCellInHeaderFixElementWRep method implements an item of the table headers context menu that is used to fix an element and replace it with another one.
sub_image.gif setGridCMenuCornerCell The setGridCMenuCornerCell method implements items of context menu for table header corner cell.
sub_image.gif setGridDrillDown The setGridDrillDown method drills one level up or down the selection hierarchy in the table.
sub_image.gif setGridHdrPlacement The setGridHdrPlacement method determines dimension layout settings in table heading and sidehead.
sub_image.gif setGridParam The setGridParam method determines express report table parameters.
sub_image.gif setGridSorting The setGridSorting method emulates clicking on the sorting icon in express report table cell.
sub_image.gif setGridTransposed The setGridTransposed method rotates a table.
sub_image.gif setHierarchy The setHierarchy method executes operations with a custom hierarchy.
sub_image.gif setIndAgg The setIndAgg method sets aggregation type for metrics.
sub_image.gif setInternalGridStyles The setInternalGridStyles method sets cell style for the entire table.
sub_image.gif setMainControlElements The setMainControlElements method sets data aggregation function for table fixed dimensions and allows or prohibits caching express report data.
sub_image.gif setMainTableStyle The setMainTableStyle method sets main style for express report table.
sub_image.gif setMapDrillDown The setMapDrillDown method changes level of express report map in the specified direction.
sub_image.gif setMapSelection The setMapSelection method sets selection of express report map objects.
sub_image.gif setMd The setMd method sets metadata to express report object.
sub_image.gif setNormalization The setNormalization method normalizes data of express report chart.
sub_image.gif setNumberFormat The setNumberFormat method sets data format in express report table.
sub_image.gif setParams The setParams method sets metadata of express report data source parameters.
sub_image.gif setPareto The setPareto method sets Pareto distribution in express report.
sub_image.gif setPivotDims The setPivotDims method sets a new position of dimensions in express report table.
sub_image.gif setPivotDimsConfirm The setPivotDimsConfirm method sets dimensions position and shows a confirmation dialog box in case table data has been changed.
sub_image.gif setPivotSortItems The setPivotSortItems method creates parameters for rule action area of express report table sorting.
sub_image.gif setPrivateDimDisplayMode The setPinnedPrivateDims method transforms private dimensions into fixed ones and back.
sub_image.gif setRanking The setRanking method ranks express report data.
sub_image.gif setRowColumn The setRowColumn method swaps axes of express report chart.
sub_image.gif setSelectPart The setSelectPart method sets the selected area of express report table.
sub_image.gif setSourceFromFile The setSourceFromFile method shows a dialog box that is used to open express report from file.
sub_image.gif setSpeedometer The setSpeedometer method sets speedometer for a dashboard.
sub_image.gif setTabSheetHeaders The setTabSheetHeaders method controls visibility of express report table headers.
sub_image.gif setTabSheetSearch Outdated. The setTabSheetSearch method determines settings for data search in the table.
sub_image.gif setTabSheetSelection The setTabSheetSelection method sets selection for cells of express report table.
sub_image.gif setTableCFormat The setTableCFormat method sets conditional formatting for express report table.
sub_image.gif setTableGrowth The setTableGrowth method sets growth indicator in express report table.
sub_image.gif setTables The setTables method determines settings for express report tables.
sub_image.gif setTitle The setTitle method determines express report title properties.
sub_image.gif setTotals The setTotals method determines settings of hierarchies sorting and displaying for express report table.
sub_image.gif setTransformationPos The setTransformationPos method sets transformation to a new position in the collection.
sub_image.gif setTransformationState The setTransformationState method sets states of transformation collection specified for a dimension element.
sub_image.gif setUnitSelection The setUnitSelection method scales express report measurement units.
sub_image.gif setVisibility The setVisibility method controls visibility of express report views.
sub_image.gif setWindowsPosition The setWindowsPosition method sets layout for express report views.
sub_image.gif updateFilterTransformation The updateFilterTransformation method updates filter transformation of express report.


  Event name Brief description
event_image.gif BubbleChartLoaded The BubbleChartLoaded event occurs after loading an express report bubble chart.
event_image.gif ChartDataLoaded The ChartDataLoaded event occurs after loading an express report chart.
event_image.gif EaxDocumentOpened The EaxDocumentOpened event occurs on opening an express report document.
event_image.gif EaxOpened The EaxOpened event occurs on opening an express report.
event_image.gif MapDataLoaded The MapDataLoaded event occurs after loading express report map.
event_image.gif MdLoaded The MdLoaded event occurs on loading metadata to express report.
event_image.gif Saved The Saved event occurs on saving an express report.

Methods inherited from the class BiService

  Method name Brief description
beginBatch The beginBatch method enables batch mode of sending queries.
endBatch The endBatch method disables batch mode of sending queries and sends a formed batch.

Methods inherited from the class PPService

  Method name Brief description
addCallbackToLastRqt The addCallbackToLastRqt adds a handler to the last request in the queue.
beginSyncXHR The beginSyncXHR method enables the mode of synchronous requests for an instance of the PPService class.
clearRequests The clearRequests method clears the list of queued requests and removes the current request.
endSyncXHR The endSyncXHR method disables the mode of synchronous requests for an instance of the PPService class.
getCurrentRequest The getCurrentRequest method returns the current service request.
sendRequest The sendRequest method sends a request to web service.

Events inherited from the class PPService

  Event name Brief description
EndRequest The EndRequest event occurs on finishing the repository connection.
Error The Error event occurs if an error occurs during repository connection.
Executed The Executed event occurs after executing a request to server.
StartRequest The StartRequest event occurs when the system starts executing a request to repository.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.
