Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMdService > EaxMdService.setMapDrillDown
setMapDrillDown(report: PP.Exp.EaxDocument, territoryId: Number, method: PP.Mb.DrillMethod, callback: PP.Delegate);
report. Express report document.
territoryId. Map territory identifier.
method. Method of map level change, that defines movement direction.
callback. Callback function.
The setMapDrillDown method changes level of express report map in selected direction.
Territory map level can be changed (drilled up or down) under the following conditions:
Territory dimension of the data source must contain the TOPO_ID attribute with integer data. In this attribute define key of the map stored in the repository. This map opens on drilling down the territory.
Territory dimension must be a hierarchical dimension.
More details are given in the Map Territories Detailing page.
The example of event use is given on the page with description of the EaxMapBox.getService method.
See also: