Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMdService > EaxMdService.setMapSelection
setMapSelection(report: PP.Exp.EaxDocument, elements: Object, markers: Object, callback: PP.Delegate);
report. Express report document.
elements. Identifiers of selected territories.
markers. Identifiers of selected markers.
callback. Callback function.
The setMapSelection method sets selection of express report map objects.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component), and a map must be loaded in working area of the express report. Set object selection:
// Determine object to select elem = "RU-YAR"; // Set selection eaxMdService.setMapSelection(eaxAnalyzer, elem); // Get map view dV = expressBox.getDataView(); mV = dV.getMapView(); // Refresh map mV.refreshAll();
After executing the example the element with the RU-YAR identifier is selected in the map..
See also: