Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMdService > EaxMdService.setAutoUpdate
setAutoUpdate(report: PP.Exp.EaxAnalyzer, updateSettings: object, callback: PP.Delegate);
report. Report, for which autoupdate is set up.
updateSettings. Autoupdate settings.
callback. Callback procedure.
The setAutoUpdate sets up express report autoupdate.
The updateSettings autoupdate settings have the following parameters:
updateByIntervalEnabled. The parameter determines periodic refresh use. If the parameter is set to true, periodic refresh is enabled, otherwise - false.
autoUpdateByData. The parameter determines whether autoupdate is enabled on selection change. If the parameter is set to true, autoupdate is enabled on selection change, otherwise - false.
AutoUpdateInterval. Periodic refresh interval.
autoUpdateIntervalUnits. Periodic refresh unit.
Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Set up express report autoupdate:
// Set autoupdate settings - enable periodic refresh with the interval of 2 seconds and autoudate on selection change updateSettings = {updateByIntervalEnabled: true, autoUpdateByData: true, AutoUpdateInterval: 2, autoUpdateIntervalUnits: "Seconds"}; report = expressBox.getSource(); // Apply settings eaxMdService.setAutoUpdate(report, updateSettings); // Refresh report expressBox.refreshAll();
After executing the example express report autoupdate is set up.
See also: