Working with Repository > PP.Mb > Classes > PPService > PPService.sendRequest
sendRequest (body: String, callbackDelegate: PP.Delegate, errorCallbackDelegate: PP.Delegate, contentType: String, urlParams: String, language: String)
body. Body of Web service request.
callbackDelegate. Callback procedure.
errorCallbackDelegate. Callback procedure on error.
contentType. Use protocol:
application/json. JSON-RPC protocol is used. Default.
text/xml. The SOAP protocol is used.
urlParams. Parameters or request URL.
language. Language settings. It can be returned by means of the PP.getCurrentCulture.CultureName method.
The sendRequest method sends a request to Web service.
Body is a mandatory parameter. The request must be sent as a string. Use the JSON.stringify method to convert JSON to a string.
To execute the example the HTML page must contain the ReportBox component named reportBox (see Example of Placing the ReportBox Component). In the JSON object in constructor parameters of the service prxMbService add the PPService.PPServiceUrl property, where enter the URL, by which a request is sent (the same value of the PPServiceUrl property that is set in parameters of the Metabase constructor). Send a request with the SetTabSheetData operation (setting report table data):
var body = { SetTabSheetData: { tTabSheet: prxReport.getTabId(), //table sheet moniker tArg: { refresh: { all: False, saveData: True }, setPattern: { data: True }, TabSheetData: { Cells: { Cell: reportBox.getDataView().getGridView().getTabSheet().getChangedCells() //cells with changed data } }, getArg: { pattern: { data: True } } } } }; prxBody = JSON.stringify(body); //Transform JSON to string prxMbService.clearRequests(); //clear a list of requests from the queue and remove the current request prxMbService.sendRequest(prxBody); //send request //add a callback procedure for the request prxMbService.addCallbackToLastRqt(new PP.Delegate(function (sender, args) { console.log(args.ResponseText) }));
After executing the example a request with the SetTabSheetData operation is sent to the web service. The browser console displays service response and the value True indicating that a callback procedure is set for the request.
See also: