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Working with Repository

Working with Repository


This page contains components used to work with a repository.


  Component name Brief description
DataMiningMaster The DataMiningMaster component is a data mining wizard.
ImportDataWizard The ImportDataWizard component is a data import wizard.
MetabaseObjectsIconView The MetabaseObjectsIconView component is a container for the list of repository objects as icons.
MetabaseObjectsListView The MetabaseObjectsListView component is a container for displaying a list of objects of the selected folder in the repository navigation window.
MetabaseTreeList The MetabaseTreeList component is a hierarchical tree of repository objects. Each tree item is a reference to corresponding repository object.
Navigator The Navigator component is a navigator of platform repository objects.
NavigatorBox The NavigatorBox component is a container for the tree of folders and the list of repository objects.
NavigatorRibbon The NavigatorRibbon component is a tool ribbon of the object navigator.
ChangePasswordDialog The ChangePasswordDialog component is a dialog box where the user can change password.
MetabaseDialogBase The MetabaseDialogBase component is a a base dialog with repository.
MetabaseOpenDialog The MetabaseOpenDialog component is a dialog box used to open an object from repository.
MetabaseSaveDialog The MetabaseSaveDialog component is a dialog box used to save object to repository.
SearchDialog The SearchDialog component is a repository object search dialog.
TranslateDialog The TranslateDialog component is a dialog for saving an object with names in different languages.

See also:

DHTML Components