DHTML Components
Name | Purpose |
AboutBox | The AboutBox component is the About dialog box. |
Autocomplete | The Autocomplete component is a non-visual component that is used to hint the user with possible values on entering text. |
BorderCombo | The BorderCombo component is a drop-down list for selecting a border type. |
BorderLayout | The BorderLayout component is a layout for placing components inside container relative to its borders. |
Breadcrumb | The Breadcrumb component is used to create an object breadcrumb. |
Button | The Button component is a button. |
Canvas | The Canvas component is a canvas. |
CellPicker | The CellPicker component is used to select the number of rows and columns in a table. It is used in the application ribbon. |
ChartMaster | The ChartMaster component is a wizard for setting up charts. |
CheckBox | The CheckBox component is a checkbox that is used to indicate state or enable or disable options. |
ColorCombo | The ColorCombo component is a drop-down list to select color. |
ColorPanel | The ColorPanel component is a color selection panel. |
Combo | The Combo component implements an entry editor with a drop-down panel. |
ComboBox | The ComboBox component is a drop-down list. |
Cylinder | The Cylinder component is a cylinder. |
DataGrid | The DataGrid component is a data table. |
DateTimeEdit | The DateTimeEdit component is a date and time editor. |
DateTimePicker | The DateTimePicker component is an editor where the user can enter date and time, or select required date from the calendar. |
Dialog | The Dialog component implements a dialog box. |
DropPanel | The DropPanel component is a drop-down panel with arbitrary contents. |
FileUpload | The FileUpload component is an input box and a button for selecting a file to be loaded to server. |
FlexLayout | The FlexLayout component is a layout for flexible allocation of components inside container. |
FontBox | The FontBox component is a control for text parameter options. |
FontComboBox | The FontComboBox component is a drop-down list to select font. |
FontDialog | The FontDialog component is a standard dialog box to select font. |
FormulaEditor | The FormulaEditor component is an expression editor. |
GradientSlider | The GradientSlider component is the Slider component with gradient fill. |
GridPanel | The GridPanel component is a table that is a container for controls. |
Hyperlink | The Hyperlink component is a hyperlink. |
IconListItem | The IconListItem component is a list element that consists of an icon. |
ImageList | The ImageList non-visual component indicates a link to a sprite (a set of images stored in the same file) and size of an image in the sprite. |
InfoWindow | The InfoWindow component is an information window. |
Label | The Label component is a label. |
LayoutBox | The LayoutBox component is a container in the form of table for elements layout. |
LineLabel | The LineLabel component is a label with a line. |
ListBox | The ListBox component is a list. |
ListItem | The ListItem component is a list element. |
LongListBox | The LongListBox component is a grouped list. |
LongListItem | The LongListItem component is a grouped list element. |
MainMenu | The MainMenu component is a main menu. |
MainPanel | The MainPanel component is a drop-down panel with a menu. |
MainPanelItem | The MainPanelItem component is a drop-down panel menu element. |
MaskEdit | The MaskEdit component is an editor that enables the user to enter data in accordance with the predefined pattern. |
Menu | The Menu component is a context menu. |
Message | The Message component is a dialog box with an icon. |
MonthCalendar | The MonthCalendar component is a calendar to select date and time. |
NavigationBar | The NavigationBar component is a properties panel that is used to navigate active component properties and control properties. |
NavigationItem | The NavigationItem component is a child element of the NavigationBar component, a tab that contains a header and a drop-down panel. |
NumberEdit | The NumberEdit component is a value editor that includes scroll buttons. |
Panel | The Panel component is a panel for elements layout. |
ProgressBar | The ProgressBar component is a control that is used to indicate process of executing long operations. |
Ribbon | The Ribbon component is an application ribbon. |
RadioButton | The RadioButton component is a switch that is used to select one value in a values group. |
RangeSlider | The RangeSlider component is the Slider component allowing to select a range of values. |
RatingChart | The RatingChart component is a rating chart. |
RibbonButton | The RibbonButton component is a button of the application ribbon. |
RibbonCategory | The RibbonCategory component is a tab of the application ribbon. |
RibbonPanel | The RibbonPanel component is a panel of tab of ribbon. |
ScrollBar | The ScrollBar component is a scrollbar. |
ScrollBox | The ScrollBox component is horizontal and vertical scrollbars. |
ShadowDropPanel | The ShadowDropPanel component is a pop-up panel with shadow. |
SlidePanel | The SlidePanel component is a control that contains three connected panels - Header, Details and View. |
Slider | The Slider component is a control that enables the user to select a value from the range by moving a slider along the container. |
Sparkline | The Sparkline component is a small chart placed in a separate table cell and is used to display data in table rows or columns. |
SpinEdit | The SpinEdit component is an editor that contains scroll buttons. |
SplitButton | The SplitButton component is a button that consists of two parts: upper part is a button with an image, lower part is a button with a drop-down menu. |
Splitter | The Splitter component is a splitter. |
Spoiler | The Spoiler component is a drop-down panel with elements. |
StackPanel | The StackPanel component is a container that is used to place elements one by one in a vertical column or a horizontal row. |
TabControl | The TabControl component is a control that contains several elements using the same workspace. |
TabItem | The TabItem component is a tab that is a child element of the TabControl component. |
TagCloud | The TagCloud component is a tag cloud. |
TagCloudItem | The TagCloudItem component is an element of tag cloud. |
TermEdit | The TermEdit component is an editor of expressions created by means of terms. |
TextArea | The TextArea component is a text area. |
TextBox | The TextBox component is a text box. |
TextEditor | The TextEditor component is a text editor. |
Timeline | The Timeline component is a timeline. |
ToolBar | The ToolBar component is a toolbar. |
ToolBarButton | The ToolBarButton component is a toolbar button. |
ToolBarSeparator | The ToolBarSeparator component is a separator between toolbar elements. |
ToolTip | The ToolTip component is a tooltip. |
TreeCombo | The TreeCombo component is a control that is used to display hierarchies as a drop-down list. |
TreeList | The TreeList component is used to display tree-like hierarchical structures, such as an object inheritance tree. |
DynamicTreeList | The DynamicTreeList component is used to display a tree of object inheritance with dynamic string height and virtual scrolling. |
SimpleTreeList | The SimpleTreeList component is used to display a simple object inheritance tree. |
TreeListBox | The TreeListBox component is used to display an object inheritance tree with pagewise navigation. |
WrappedTreeList | The WrappedTreeList component is used to display an object inheritance tree with dynamic row height. |
Waiter | The Waiter component is a loading indicator. |
Window | The Window component is a window to display arbitrary contents. |
Components for working with map
Name | Purpose |
MapChart | The MapChart component is used to show and set up a map based on an SVG topobase. |
MapMaster | The MapMaster component is a map setup wizard. |
Components for working with bubble chart
Name | Purpose |
BubbleChart | The BubbleChart component is a bubble chart. |
Components for working with charts
Name | Purpose |
Chart | The Chart component is used to work with a chart based on the Canvas element. |
HighCharts | The HighChart component is used to show and set up interactive charts. |
ParallelCoordinates | The ParallelCoordinates component is a chart with parallel coordinates. |
Components for working with table
Name | Purpose |
TabSheet | The TabSheet component is a table. |
Components for working with tree map
Name |
Purpose |
TreeMap | The TreeMap component is a tree map. |
TreeMapMaster | The TreeMapMaster component is a tree map wizard. |
Components for working with bubble tree
Name |
Purpose |
BubbleTree | The BubbleTree component is a bubble tree. |
BubbleTreeMaster | The BubbleTreeMaster component is a bubble tree wizard. |
Components for working with speedometer
Name | Purpose |
GaugeMaster | The GaugeMaster component is a speedometer setup wizard. |
Speedometer | The Speedometer component is a visual component that is used to display a data set by means of a marked scale. |
Components for working with repository objects
Name | Purpose |
DimensionCombo | The DimensionCombo component is a component with a drop-down panel that contains a tree showing dictionary data. |
DimTree | The DimTree component is a hierarchical tree that contains dictionary data. |
DiscussMenu | The DiscussMenu component is the Share menu that is used to publish links to social network pages. |
ImportDataWizard | The ImportDataWizard component is data import wizard. |
MetabaseTreeList | The MetabaseTreeList component is a hierarchical tree of repository objects. Each tree element is a link to the corresponding repository object. |
Navigator | The Navigator component is a repository object navigator. |
NavigatorBox | The NavigatorBox component is a container for the tree of folders and the list of repository objects. |
NavigatorRibbon | The NavigatorRibbon component is a ribbon of the object navigator. |
Dialog boxes | |
ChangePasswordDialog | The ChangePasswordDialog component is a dialog box to change password. |
MetabaseDialogBase | The MetabaseDialogBase component is a basic dialog box with a repository. |
MetabaseOpenDialog | The MetabaseOpenDialog component is a dialog box to open a repository object. |
MetabaseSaveDialog | The MetabaseSaveDialog component is a dialog box to save a repository object. |
SearchDialog | The SearchDialog component is a dialog box to search for a repository object. |
TranslateDialog | The TranslateDialog component is a dialog box to save an object with names in different languages. |
Components for working with express reports
Name | Purpose |
BubbleTreeBox | The BubbleTreeBox component is implemented by the BubbleTreeBox class. |
ChartBox | The ChartBoxDialog component implements a container for an express report chart. |
CommonizeDimDialog | The CommonizeDimDialog component implements settings of moving private dimensions to shared ones. |
DimViewOptionsDialog | The DimViewOptionsDialog component implements a dialog box to set up dimensions layout. |
EaxBubbleChart | The EaxBubbleChart component implements the Bubble Chart data view of express report. |
EaxBubbleChartMaster | The EaxBubbleChartMaster component implements a bubble chart control wizard of express report. |
EaxDataBox | The EaxDataBox component implements a container for express report data area. |
EaxDimBar | The EaxDimBar component implements an express report dimensions panel. |
EaxDimBarMaster | The EaxDimBarMaster component implements a dimension selection control wizard. |
EaxGrid | The EaxGrid component implements a container for express report data area spreadsheet. |
EaxMapBox | The EaxMapBox component is a container for express report map. |
EaxModeSelector | The EaxModeSelector component implements a button that is used to select data view layout mode. |
EaxParameterBox | The EaxParameterBox component implements a container for express report parameter. |
EaxPropertyBar | The EaxPropertyBar component is a properties panel of express report. |
EaxRibbon | The EaxRibbon component implements an express report ribbon. |
EaxToolBar | The EaxToolBar component implements a group of buttons that are used to toggle between data view modes. |
ExpressBox | The ExpressBox component is a container for express reports. |
GaugeBox | The GaugeBox component implements a container for a speedometer. |
HtmlExportDialog | The HtmlExportDialog component implements a dialog box to export express report to an HTML file. |
ParametersDataSource | The ParametersDataSource component implements the Data Source Parameters tab of the Parameters dialog box. |
ParametersDialog | The EaxParameterBox component implements a container for express report parameter. |
ParametersDimensionsView | The ParametersDimensionsView class implements the Dimension tab of the Parameters dialog box. |
ParetoDialog | The ParetoDialog class implements a dialog box to set up the Pareto data distribution. |
StatisticsWindow | The StatisticsWindow component implements the Summary Statistics dialog box that displays a tree with summary statistics of express report. |
StatTreeView | The StatTreeView component implements the Summary Statistics dialog box that shows a tree with summary statistics of express report data. |
TitleBox | The TitleBox class implements a container for express report title. |
TreeMapBox | The TreeMapBox component implements a container for tree map. |
XlsExportDialog | The XlsExportDialog component implements the Parameters of Export to XLS dialog box. |
Components for working with regular reports
Name | Purpose |
ControlBar | The ControlBar component is a regular report control panel. |
DataArea | The DataArea component is a regular report data area. |
GridBox | The GridBox component is a regular report table. |
ReportBox | The ReportBox component is used to display a regular report. |
RibbonView | The RibbonView component is a regular report ribbon. |
Dialog boxes | |
DataSaveDialog | The DataSaveDialog component is a dialog box to save changed data of report. |
EmfExportDialog | The EmfExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the EMF format. |
ExportDialog | The ExportDialog class implements a basic dialog box for regular report export. |
HtmlExportDialog | The HtmlExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the HTML format. |
MhtExportDialog | The MhtExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the MHT format. |
ParamsDialog | The ParamsDialog component is a dialog box to change report parameters. |
PdfExportDialog | The PdfExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the PDF format. |
RtfExportDialog | The RtfExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the RTF format. |
XlsExportDialog | The XlsExportDialog component is a dialog box to export a report to the XLS format. |
Components for working with dashboards
Name | Purpose |
KapBox | The KapBox component is a dashboard designer. |
Components for working with time series
Name |
Purpose |
AddAggregationDialog | The AddAggregationDialog component is a dialog box to add a series calculated using an aggregation method. |
AddSLS2Dialog | The AddSLS2Dialog component implements a dialog box for adding non-linear regression. |
ComponentMismatchWizard | The ComponentMismatchWizard component is a wizard that highlights changed values of time series data. |
ChooseFrequencyDialog | The ChooseFrequencyDialog component displays the Add Series dialog box. |
CrossDatabaseMappingsDialog | The CrossDatabaseMappingsDialog component is a dialog box to compare attributes in a workbook. |
ExplainValidationErrorDialog | The ExplainValidationErrorDialog component is a dialog box to explain data validation errors in a workbook. |
ExpressionEditorDialog | The ExpressionEditorDialog component is an expression editor in a workbook. |
HistoryWindow | The HistoryWindow is a visual component that displays a dialog box with history for the selected series. |
LanerBox | The LanerBox component is a visual component that displays a workbook table. |
LevelAnalysisDialog | The LevelAnalysisDialog component is a dialog box for data validation by means of their comparing with the number in a workbook. |
MetaAttributeBreadCrumb | The MetaAttributeBreadCrumb component displays and controls workbook attributes. |
MetaAttributeTree | The MetaAttributeTree component is used to display hierarchy of BI server indicator catalog of Foresight Analytics Platform. |
MetaDataViewerPanel | The MetaDataViewerPanel component is a panel with series attributes. |
NavBreadcrumb | The NavBreadcrumb component is a visual component that implements a workbook attribute control wizard. |
NewRevisionDlg | The NewRevisionDlg component is a standard dialog box to add a revision label. |
PeriodSeriesViewItem | The PeriodSeriesViewItem component is the Series panel on the workbook properties panel. |
PeriodSeriesViewMaster | The PeriodSeriesViewMaster component is a wizard for displaying and controlling workbook attributes on the properties panel. |
RevisionComparisonDialog | The RevisionComparisonDialog component is a dialog box for data validation rule by comparing their versions in a workbook. |
RollbackRevisionDlg | The RollbackRevisionDlg component is a dialog box for revision rollback in a workbook. |
SpliceMethodWizard | The SpliceMethodWizard component is a wizard for setting up time series splice. |
StatTabSheet | The StatTabSheet is a visual component that displays a workbook spreadsheet. |
TsSpliceDateEditor | The TsSpliceDateEditor component is a date editor in a workbook. |
ValidationGroupSettingsDialog | The ValidationGroupSettingsDialog component is a dialog box to edit a group of validation rules in a workbook. |
ValidationSettingsDialog | The ValidationSettingsDialog component is a dialog box to edit a data validation rule in a workbook. |
ViewAsDialog | The ViewAsDialog component implements the Transformation Editing dialog box. |
WbkDataBox | The WbkDataBox component is used to display and control workbook data. |
WbkPropertyBar | The WbkPropertyBar component is used to display and control workbook properties via a navigation bar. |
WbkRibbon | The WbkRibbon component is used to implement a workbook ribbon. |
WbkSaveDataDialog | The WbkSaveDataDialog component is a dialog box to add a comment before saving data. |
WbkValidationTree | The WbkValidationTree component is data validation tree in a workbook. |
WorkbookBox | The WorkbookBox component displays a workbook. |
Components for working with MDM dictionary
Name |
Purpose |
CleanUpDialog | The CleanUpDialog class implements a dialog box for MDM dictionary clearing. |
DataArea | The DataArea class implements MDM dictionary data area. |
DictionaryBox | The DictionaryBox component creates an MDM dictionary container. |
DictionaryTree | The DictionaryTree class implements a tree of MDM dictionary elements. |
ElementCard | The ElementCard class implements an element card of an MDM dictionary tree. |
FindBox | The FindBox class implements a container that is used to search for dictionary elements. |
FindSettingsDialog | The FindSettingsDialog class implements a dialog box for setting up dictionary search parameters. |
ParamsBox | The ParamsBox class implements a dictionary parameters container. |
See also:
Class Library | DHTML Components Layout | Creating a Web Application | Questions and Answers