Working with Common Classes > Static Properties and Methods > PP.getCurrentCulture
The getCurrentCulture method returns the current language and regional settings.
This method returns a PP.CultureInfo value.
To execute the example, add a link to PP.js scenario file to HTML page. Get the current language and check if the values 12, «12», «0.07» and «0,07» correspond to numbers:
// Get current regional settings var culture = PP.getCurrentCulture(); console.log("Current language: " + culture.DisplayName + "."); // Check if the 12, «12», «0.07» and «0,07» values are numbers var isNumber = culture.validateNumber({ value: 12 }); console.log("The 12 value " + (isNumber ? "is" : "is not") + " a number."); isNumber = culture.validateNumber({ value: "12" }); console.log("The «12» value " + (isNumber ? "is" : "is not") + " a number."); isNumber = culture.validateNumber({ value: "0.07" }); console.log("The «0.07» value " + (isNumber ? "is" : "is not") + " a number."); isNumber = culture.validateNumber({ value: "0,07" }); console.log("The «0,07» value " + (isNumber ? "is" : "is not") + " a number.");
After executing the example the browser console displays the current language and information that within the listed values only the string «0.07» does not correspond to a number (in Russian language a point cannot be used as a decimal separator):
Current language: Russian
The value 12 is a number.
The value «12» is a number.
The value «0.07» is not a number.
The value «0,07» is a number.
See also: