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Working with Express Report > PP.Exp > Classes > EaxMdService > EaxMdService.setCellsAutoFit



setCellsAutoFit(report: PP.Exp.EaxAnalyzer, metadata: EaxGridAdjust, sizeMd, callback);


report. Express report to which the method is applied

metadata. Object that contains cell autofit settings.

sizeMd. Object that stores document sheet size.

callback. Callback function.


The setCellsAutoFit method enables autofit option for cells of express report table.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and have a loaded table in express report working area. This table may look as follows:

Set autofit style for cells of express report table:

// Get a service used to work with express report
var eaxMdService = expressBox.getService();
// Get express report document
var eaxAnalyzer = expressBox.getSource();
// Initialize callback function
var onOpenAutoFitSet = function () {
// Determine document sheet size
var sizeMd = PP.getProperty(eaxAnalyzer.getMetadata(), "grid.adjust");
// Determine cell autofit settings
var state = expressBox.getDataView().getGridView().getTabSheetViewState();
eaxMdService.setCellsAutoFit(eaxAnalyzer, state, sizeMd, PP.Delegate(onOpenAutoFitSet, eaxMdService));
// Refresh express report

After executing the example and cell autofit the express report table looks as follows:

See also:
