Setting Up Data Entry Form Parameters

The parameter is used to dynamically control data displayed in the data entry form. For example, the list of organizations is selected as a parameter for registry data entry form, on changing selection in the parameter, the working area of data entry form will display registry data corresponding to the required organization.

On adding a parameter, the control is automatically created on the sheets that were selected on determining parameter properties.

To set up form parameters, follow the steps:

  1. Create a parameter.

  2. Determine parameter properties.

  3. Create a link with another parameter to manage available values of parameter.

  4. Change control size.

  5. Edit parameter.

After the form parameters are set, if required, follow the step:

To set up data entry/output form parameters, use the Parameters dialog box, open the dialog box by clicking the Open Parameter Editor button on the Designer ribbon tab:

The dialog box consists of the form parameter list and property setup panel.

Create a parameter

Determine parameter properties

Limit available parameter values using filter

Resize control

Edit parameter

Delete parameter

See also:

Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Data Entry Form