NOTE. To apply the formatting, observe the correct order.
The Reports tool provides the following functions for cell formatting setup:
Set up sheet cell attributes.
Conditional formatting: sets up cell formatting depending on their contents.
Cell range formatting as a table with alternating formatting of rows and columns.
Save cell format as style and apply it to other cell ranges or connect external styles.
Determine other settings for formatting table visualizer and its elements.
Set up formatting of:
Cell text using the Font and Alignment groups on the Home ribbon tab.
Cell text part using the Font group on the Home ribbon tab. It is available for text data format.
Mixed text formatting in cells is saved if cell data autofill is used.
NOTE. Formatting of the first character is saved for the cell on replacing or deleting text from the cell.
See also:
Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Working with Reports Sheet Elements