To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Zoom Mode

To set up zoom mode of chart axes scales, select the Zoom Mode context menu item of activated chart.

NOTE. This context menu item is not available for pie, radar, scatter and 3D charts.

Select the checkbox next to the required zoom mode in the drop-down list:

If the checkbox is deselected, the scale is not zoomed.

To constantly show scrollbars in the chart in the zoom mode, select the Show Scrollbars checkbox in the Zoom Mode drop-down list. If the checkbox is deselected, scrollbars are shown only on mouse over. Horizontal scrollbar looks as follows:

After selecting a zoom mode, select a chart section to zoom with the mouse. The chart is automatically rebuilt. Use scrollbars to view the chart along the axes.

To restore the original look of the chart, click the button on the scrollbar as many times as necessary.

Example of Chart Zoom

Create a chart for the following data (the series are shown in rows):

The chart looks as follows:

Activate the chart and select the Only by Y Axis and Show Scrollbars checkboxes in the Zoom context menu. Then select the range to zoom. The figure below shows the selected range (left) and the zoomed range (right):

Use the scrollbar to view the entire chart.

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Axis Format | Data Visualization as Charts