The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Setting Up Multidimensional Cycle Dimensions

Multidimensional cycle dimensions are set in the Filtering Setup dialog box.

To display the dialog box

Determine the following settings:

  1. If required, set controlled parameter. Select one of the metamodel parameters in the Controlled Parameter drop-down list. The selected parameter will control the dimension on calculating multidimensional cycle.

NOTE. It is mandatory to set controlled parameter only for metamodel calculation in forecasting problem.

  1. Select dimension elements used for multidimensional cycle calculation. Use the Filter tab.

  2. Set up linked dimensions. The step is required if the dimension contains linked attributes. Use the Linked Dimensions tab.

  3. Determine data sources for multidimensional cycle dimension. Use the Data Sources tab.

Selecting Dimension Elements for Multidimensional Cycle Calculation

To select dimension elements that are used to calculate a multidimensional cycle, use the Filter tab.

  1. Select entities to set up the filter:

  2. Select elements that are used to calculate the cycle. Select one of the radio buttons:

If it is required that the cycle will be calculated by all elements except for the selected ones, select the Exclude Selected Elements checkbox.

  1. To set up conditions, to which element attributes should correspond on calculating a multidimensional cycle, use the Advanced Filter group of parameters. Working with this group of parameters is similar to working with the Advanced Filter dialog box.

As a result, the multidimensional cycle will be calculated only by elements corresponding to the filter.

Setting Up Linked Dimensions

Setup of linked dimensions provides correct calculation of multidimensional cycle and it is necessary if dimension contains linked attributes. To set up linked dimensions, use the Linked Dimensions tab:

The link should be added for each linked attribute in the current dimension.

To add a new link:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Select the linked dimension in the dialog box that opens. A row for the selected dimension will be added to the table.

  3. Select the linked attribute from the added dimension in the Linked Dimension Attribute column.

  4. Select the linked attribute from the current dimension in the Current Dimension Attribute column.

As a result, the dimension link by selected attributes will be set up.

To set up linked dimension, select it in the table and click the Edit button. The Filtering Setup dialog box, where the required dimension settings should be set, opens.

To remove the selected dimension link, click the Remove button.

Setting Data Sources for Multidimensional Cycle Dimension

The source should be determined for each multidimensional cycle dimension to provide correct calculation. To do this, use the Data Sources tab:

Click the Add button to add a dimension data source. Select the required data source in the dialog box that opens. Add all data sources used in the calculation chain for the dimension.

To remove the selected data source, click the Remove button.

See also:

Setting Up Multidimensional Cycle