The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.


Parameters enable the user to manage metamodel calculation. It can also be used in factor calculation formulas, in model calculation formulas, on setting up advanced filtering of dimensions, and so on.

TIP. To change parameter value of a particular model, use the View Results panel. Parameter values that are set on this panel are not saved. They are used to calculate a model without calculating the entire metamodel chain.

To set metamodel parameters, use the Parameters panel:

To add a parameter, click the Add button, to edit the selected parameter, click the Edit button or use the panel context menu items with the same name. The Edit Parameter dialog box opens where determine the required parameter settings.

To delete the selected parameter, click the Delete button or select the similar context menu item of the panel.

NOTE. After the parameter is removed deleted from metamodel, delete it from all places where it was used. For example, from calculation equations of factors, and so on.

Editing Parameter

By default, the parameter is created without specifying a type. It is enough to determine parameter name and identifier in the corresponding boxes:

After parameter type is selected, an additional box appears to set the default parameter value.

See below available parameter types and features of their use in formulas:








See also:
