The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Vector Error Correction Model (ECM)

Each equation of a vector error correction model is a multiple regression equation not connected to other equations and a linear combination of endogenous variables named a correction component. That is why unknown values are estimated using the least squares method separately for each equation. Summary statistics of regression equations and summary statistics of coefficients (standard error, t-statistics and probability) are calculated using the standard method. The user should also calculate four statistics describing the ECM model. These values can be used to make a better choice for the model lag and determine model quality.

The Vector Error Correction Model dialog box looks as follows:

The dialog box includes the panels:

And also the panels that are identical to the panels of a standard model:

NOTE. Working with the Vector Error Correction Model model is available in the following cases:
    • If a modeling container includes modeling variables that are separate repository objects.
    • If a modeling container uses a time series database as a data source.

See also:

The Model Object | Calculation of Vector Error Correction Model