The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Graphs and Charts

The Graphs and Charts panel shows graphs of the values of source, modeled and forecast data. If forecast values are calculated, the panel also shows confidence limits with the relevance level set on the Additional Parameters panel.

The Residuals series shows difference between input and output data.

Numeric values, on which the graphs are based, can be viewed on the Series (Numeric Values) panel.

Clicking on the Chart Parameters button opens the dialog box for chart setup.

Clicking the Chart Structure button opens the dialog box for editing chart structure:

Select checkboxes of the data series to be displayed on the chart.

To select and deselect checkboxes:

Operations with Chart

Below is a brief description of basic operations with a chart. To get full description, see the Setting Up Chart Components section.

Using the chart context menu you can execute the following operations:

See also:

The Model Object