The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Calculation Periods

The Calculation Periods panel looks the same for all models:

The panel contains the following parameters:

NOTE. The selected date periods affect the possibility of selecting other period dates in the following order: the sample period start affects the period end, the sample period end affects the forecasting period start, the forecasting period start affects the period end.

Remember that the forecasting period defined for the problem is used in problem calculation.

NOTE. If the Today +/- method is used, the sample end date and the forecasting end date shift to the period end. It is relevant for monthly frequency or higher.
For example, sample end date is April 2012, and calculation end date is equal to the sample end date. Thus, on series calculation the calculation end date is 30.04.2012.

When a model is created, the periods are generated as follows:

The start and end dates of the modeling container calendar are set on the Calendar Parameters page of the modeling container wizard.

See also:

The Model Object