The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Setting Up Time Series

The block is based on a workbook from repository.

To insert a report, use:

Then set a data source.

NOTE. By default, only blocks of the Regular Report and Dashboard types can be created. Additional settings are required to insert the Time Series block. These settings do not affect the availability of reports in the saved dashboards. For details see the How to Enable Creating of Blocks Used to Work with Reports? section.

Example of the Time Series block:

Operations with Time Series

All operations with objects given in the Building Dashboard and Inserting and Setting Up Reports sections are available for time series. The following are also available for a report:

Manage data views

Toggle between workbook sheets

Set up workbook dimension synchronization

Features Available in the Web Application

The web application has advanced features similar to workbook features:

See also:

Inserting and Setting Up Reports | Time Series Analysis