Updating Web Application in Linux OS

The software package includes the distribution files foresight-fp10.x-biserver*, foresight-fp10.x-webserver*, which are used for BI server installation and web application back end installation. These distribution files can be used to update BI server and web application back end within one release. Each user must manually start update process on the local computer.

Before executing update create a copy of the database and the current server, on which the new web application version is to be updated and tested. Make sure that all users are disconnected from the repository, and access to Internet is allowed. BI server and web application back end are updated by the user who is a local computer administrator.

To update the web application in Linux OS:

  1. Update BI server.

  2. Update web application back end.

To update the installed extensions: Calculation Algorithms, Business Process Management, Interactive Data Entry Forms, Designer of Business Applications, Cube Cache, see the Updating Extensions section.

To update metadata repository version, see the Updating Metadata Repository Version section.

Updating BI Server

To update BI server:

  1. Stop the currently running processes of BI server and task scheduler, if scheduled tasks execution is set up.

  2. Copy the foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.deb/rpm distribution file from the software package to the /home/<user name> home directory. Name of the distribution file depends on Linux OS version.

If required, determine a user name, under whom BI server is to be updated:


  1. Install the copied BI server distribution file:

sudo dpkg -i foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.deb

sudo yum localinstall foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.rpm

sudo dnf install foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.rpm

sudo apt-get install -y foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.rpm

  1. Check BI server performance.

After executing the operations, BI server is updated from the current to the latest version.

Updating Web Application Back End

To update web application back end:

  1. Copy the foresight-fp10.x-biserver*.deb/rpm distribution file from the software package to the /home/<user name> home directory. Name of the distribution file depends on Linux OS version.

  2. Install the copied distribution of the web application back end:

sudo dpkg -i foresight-fp10.x-webserver*.deb

sudo yum localinstall foresight-fp10.x-webserver*.rpm

sudo dnf install foresight-fp10.x-webserver*.rpm

sudo apt-get install -y foresight-fp10.x-webserver*.rpm

  1. Make sure that the AstraMode mode is disabled during the use of Astra Linux SE 1.7. The /etc/apache2-fp10.x-web/apache2.conf configuration file should contain the "AstraMode off" string.

After executing the operations, web application back end is updated from the current to the latest version.

See also:

Updating Foresight Analytics Platform