Application System Security

To protect application systems developed based on Foresight Analytics Platform, one should use application features. The feature protects in two directions:

Protecting Application System Source Codes From Editing by End User

One application feature is allocated to protect source codes of an application system from editing.

To get an application feature and protect source codes of an application system:

  1. Determine a name of application feature. The name must consist of digits and Latin letters without spaces in the range ASCII 32-127. Name length should not be longer than 24 characters.

  2. Send request to technical support to to request an application feature. In the request specify the purpose of application feature use and created name of the feature. After that, the technical support prepares and provides you an application feature with the lsinit.exe utility that activates the application feature for use.

IMPORTANT. The obtained feature is not delivered to the end users.

  1. Execute steps to protect repository object from editing with the obtained application feature.

  2. After the application system is developed, embed the lsinit.exe utility startup in the installation, if the application system is installed with the installer. If the system is installed in a different way, before its use start the lsinit.exe utility once at each developer workstation. Start the utility under the user who has administrator permissions. The utility does not have interface and does not return messages about executed result.

After executing the operations, the source codes of application system will be protected from editing by the end user.

Protecting Application System Use

The whole application system can be protected, one application feature is allocated for it. If separate functional blocks can be defined in an application system, it is recommended to use an application feature per block to protect each block.

To get application features and protect application system use:

  1. Select the functional blocks in the application system, which will be licensed separately. A functional block may include either one procedure, or several development environment units of Foresight Analytics Platform.

  2. Determine a set of application features. Create names of application features and map them with the defined functional blocks. The names should consist of digits and Latin letters without spaces in the range ASCII 32-127. Name length should not be longer than 24 characters.

  3. Send request to technical support to to request application features. In the request determine the purpose of application features use and created features names. After that, the technical support prepares and provides you application features with the lsinit.exe utility that activates the application features for use.

  4. Add a license check for application feature for each functional block by means of the RequestLicense method. Add links to the Forms, Host, Ui system assemblies. Place the Button component named Button1 on the form. Set the OnClick event handler for the Button1 component and execute the example without debugging:

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    LicManager: ILicenseManager;
    Feature: String;
    Lic: ILicense;
    StatusCode: UiLicenseStatusCode;
    Settings: IUiLicenseRequestSettings;
    LicManager := WinApplication.Instance.LicenseManager;
    Feature := "
    Settings := New UiLicenseRequestSettings.Create;
    Settings.ShowActivationWizard := True;
    StatusCode := LicManager.RequestLicense(Feature, Lic, Settings);
    If StatusCode = UiLicenseStatusCode.Success Then
        // licensing errors handling
    End If;
    //Working with licensed block
    //After work is finished, check in license
    If Lic <> Null Then
    End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;

Clicking the button requests the ApplicationFeature feature. If the feature is unavailable, the Activation of Unit dialog box opens.

NOTE. To check license for an application feature in the web application, call the and LicenseRelease methods via the web service using the ForeExec operation.

  1. Embed startup of the lsinit.exe utility into the application installation, if it is installed by means of installer. If the application system is installed differently, before using it start the lsinit.exe utility once at each customer workstation. Start the utility under the user who has administrator permissions. The utility does not have interface and does not return messages about executed result.

  2. Install an application system on customer side.

NOTE. To avoid modification of the application system source code, use the Standard distribution file at the customer side or allocate one application feature for it.

  1. Get the license with parameters of application development use for customer via technical support the number of simultaneously working users, the period of application development use and other license parameters.

  2. Activate Foresight Analytics Platform and the application system on the customer side using the obtained license. To activate the desktop application by means of stand-alone license, use Foresight Analytics Platform activation wizard. To use the network license, install license server, if required, determine license search settings.

After executing the actions, when the application system is running, it will check if there are valid licenses by predefined and application features.

See also:

Activation of Foresight Analytics Platform | Unit Activation | License Server and Features of Its Use