
The section describes operations that are used to work with a chart. A chart is used to display data on regular reports, express reports, or workbooks.


  Operation Brief description
AddChartAxisLevelLine The AddChartAxisLevelLine operation adds a level line for chart axis.
AddChartCorridor The AddChartCorridor operation creates a chart corridor.
DisplayChartCorridors The DisplayChartCorridors operation changes settings for displaying corridors in chart legend.
GetChartAxisLevelLine The GetChartAxisLevelLine operation gets chart axis level line settings.
GetChartAxisLevelLines The GetChartAxisLevelLines operation gets settings of chart axis level lines.
GetChartAxisY The GetChartAxisY operation gets chart's Y axis settings.
GetChartAxisYSec The GetChartAxisYSec operation gets settings of chart's secondary Y axis.
GetChartCorridor The GetChartCorridor operation gets chart corridor settings.
GetChartCorridors The GetChartCorridors operation gets chart corridor settings.
GetChartHint The GetChartHint operation gets chart tooltip settings.
GetChartLabel The GetChartLabel operation gets settings of chart data labels.
GetChartLabels The GetChartLabels operation gets settings of all data labels specified for chart series/points.
GetChartLegend The GetChartLegend operation gets chart legend settings.
GetChartSerie The GetChartSerie operation gets chart series settings.
GetChartSeries The GetChartSeries operation gets chart series settings.
GetChartSettings The GetChartSettings operation gets chart settings.
GetChartTrendLine The GetChartTrendLine operation gets trend line settings for a data series.
MoveChartSerie The MoveChartSerie operation moves chart series.
RemoveChartAxisLevelLine The RemoveChartAxisLevelLine operation removes chart axis level line.
RemoveChartCorridor The RemoveChartCorridor operation removes chart corridor.
ResetChartAxisY The ResetChartAxisY operation resets existing settings for chart's Y axis and applies default settings.
ResetChartAxisYSec The ResetChartAxisYSec operation resets the existing settings of chart's secondary Y axis and applies default settings.
SetChartAxisLevelLine The SetChartAxisLevelLine operation changes chart axis level line settings.
SetChartAxisY The SetChartAxisY operation changes chart's Y axis settings.
SetChartAxisYSec The SetChartAxisYSec operation changes settings of chart's secondary Y axis.
SetChartCorridor The SetChartCorridor operation changes chart corridor settings.
SetChartGraphArea The SetChartGraphArea operation changes chart plot area settings.
SetChartHint The SetChartHint operation changes chart tooltip settings.
SetChartLabel The SetChartLabel operation changes settings of chart data labels.
SetChartLegend The SetChartLegend operation changes chart legend settings.
SetChartSerie The SetChartSerie operation changes chart series settings.
SetChartSettings The SetChartSettings operation changes chart settings.
SetChartTrendLine The SetChartTrendLine operation changes trend line settings for a data series.

Operations for working with chart series points:

  Operation Brief description
ChartClearPointsSelected The ChartClearPointsSelected operation deselects chart series points.
GetChartPointsBackground The GetChartPointsBackground operation gets fill parameters for chart series points.
GetChartPointsLabel The GetChartPointsLabel operation gets data label settings for chart series points.
GetChartPointsSelected The GetChartPointsSelected operation a list of selected chart series points.
SetChartPointsBackground The SetChartPointsBackground operation changes fill parameters for chart series points.
SetChartPointsLabel The SetChartPointsLabel operation changes data label settings for chart series points.
SetChartPointsSelected The SetChartPointsSelected operation selects chart series points.

See also:

Interactive Visual Components