

ChartAxisYSec GetChartAxisYSec(AxisId tAxis)


tAxis. Moniker of chart's secondary Y axis.


The GetChartAxisYSec operation gets settings of chart's secondary Y axis.


To execute the operation, in the tAxis field specify moniker if chart's secondary axis. The moniker can be created based on the chart moniker specified in the GetChart, SetChart, GetChartSeries operations. The moniker is created in the following format: 'Chart moniker'!AxisYSec'.

The operation results in the obtained axis settings.


Below is the example of getting settings of chart's secondary Y axis. The request contains axis moniker. The response contains the obtained settings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetChartAxisYSec xmlns="">
<tAxis xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetChartAxisYSecResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <p xmlns="">Auto</p>
  <cv xmlns="">1</cv>
<cf xmlns="">
  <cfc xmlns="">#918F8D</cfc>
  <lv xmlns="">1</lv>
<lf xmlns="">
  <lfc xmlns="">#918F8D</lfc>
  <la xmlns="">0</la>
<gl xmlns="">
<tl xmlns="">
<al xmlns="">
  <max xmlns="">10</max>
  <amax xmlns="">0</amax>
  <min xmlns="">0</min>
  <amin xmlns="">0</amin>
  <nf xmlns="" />
  <du xmlns="">0</du>
  <stm xmlns="">3</stm>
  <tc xmlns="">5</tc>

JSON request:

"GetChartAxisYSec" :
"tAxis" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!P1!Sheets!1!Objects!PrxChart3!AxisYSec"

JSON response:

"GetChartAxisYSecResult" :
"p" : "Auto",
"cv" : "1",
"cf" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "10",
"units" : "Pt"
"cfc" : "#918F8D",
"lv" : "1",
"lf" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "8",
"units" : "Pt"
"lfc" : "#918F8D",
"la" : "0",
"gl" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#E0E0E0",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.5"
"tl" :
"enabled" : "0"
"al" :
"enabled" : "0"
"max" : "10",
"amax" : "0",
"min" : "0",
"amin" : "0",
"nf" : "",
"du" : "0",
"stm" : "3",
"tc" : "5"
public static ChartAxisYSec GetAxisYSec(string moniker)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetChartAxisYSec()
tAxis = new AxisId()
id = moniker + "!AxisYSec"
// Get settings of secondary Y axis
var result = somClient.GetChartAxisYSec(tGet);
return result;

See also:
