

ChartSeries GetChartSeries(ChartId tChart)


tChart. Chart moniker.


The GetChartSeries operation gets chart series settings.


To execute the operation, in the tChart field determine a chart moniker. The chart moniker is based on moniker of the repository object, with the chart of which the user is working, following the rules:

The operation results in the chart series settings.


Below is the example of getting settings for series of the chart added to regular report sheet. The request contains chart moniker. The response contains obtained series settings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetChartSeries xmlns="">
<tChart xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetChartSeriesResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<series xmlns="">
  <name />
  <name />
  <name />
  <name />

JSON request:

"GetChartSeries" :
"tChart" :
"id" : "S2!M!S!P1!Sheets!1!Objects!PrxChart1"

JSON response:

"GetChartSeriesResult" :
"series" :
"it" :
"def" : "1",
"type" : "8",
"bd" :
"enabled" : "0"
"imask" : "41680900"
"type" : "8",
"name" : "",
"dil" : "1",
"asa" : "0",
"bd" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#488DB1",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"imask" : "167903231"
"type" : "8",
"name" : "",
"dil" : "1",
"asa" : "0",
"bd" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#4AA86B",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"imask" : "167903231"
"type" : "8",
"name" : "",
"dil" : "1",
"asa" : "0",
"bd" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#C3A83D",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"imask" : "167903231"
"type" : "8",
"name" : "",
"dil" : "1",
"asa" : "0",
"bd" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#D45B5B",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"imask" : "167903231"
public static ChartSeries GetChartSeries(string moniker)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetChartSeries()
tChart = new ChartId() { id = moniker }
// Get chart series settings
var result = somClient.GetChartSeries(tGet);
return result;

See also:
