

ChartAxisYSec ResetChartAxisYSec(AxisId tAxis)


tAxis. Moniker of chart's secondary Y axis.


The ResetChartAxisYSec operation resets the existing settings of chart's secondary Y axis and applies default settings.


To execute the operation, in the tAxis field specify moniker of secondary Y axis. The moniker can be created based on the chart moniker specified in the GetChart, SetChart, GetChartSeries operations. The moniker is created in the following format: 'Chart moniker'!AxisYSec'.

The operation results in the applied settings.


Below is the example of resetting chart's secondary Y axis settings. The request contains secondary axis moniker. The response contains the settings to be applied after resetting the previously determined settings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ResetChartAxisYSec xmlns="">
<tAxis xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ResetChartAxisYSecResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <cv xmlns="">1</cv>
  <ct xmlns="" />
<cf xmlns="">
  <cfc xmlns="">#918F8D</cfc>
  <lv xmlns="">1</lv>
<lf xmlns="">
  <lfc xmlns="">#918F8D</lfc>
  <la xmlns="">0</la>
<gl xmlns="">
<tl xmlns="">
<al xmlns="">
  <max xmlns="">1.5</max>
  <amax xmlns="">1</amax>
  <min xmlns="">-1.5</min>
  <amin xmlns="">1</amin>
  <nf xmlns="" />
  <du xmlns="">0</du>
  <stm xmlns="">1</stm>
  <tc xmlns="">5</tc>

JSON request:

"ResetChartAxisYSec" :
"tAxis" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!P1!Sheets!1!Objects!PrxChart3!AxisYSec"

JSON response:

"ResetChartAxisYSecResult" :
"cv" : "1",
"ct" : "",
"cf" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "8",
"units" : "Pt"
"cfc" : "#918F8D",
"lv" : "1",
"lf" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "8",
"units" : "Pt"
"lfc" : "#918F8D",
"la" : "0",
"gl" :
"enabled" : "1",
"clr" : "#E0E0E0",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.5"
"tl" :
"enabled" : "0",
"clr" : "#000000",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"al" :
"enabled" : "0",
"clr" : "#E0E0E0",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"max" : "1.5",
"amax" : "1",
"min" : "-1.5",
"amin" : "1",
"nf" : "",
"du" : "0",
"stm" : "1",
"tc" : "5"
public static ChartAxis ResetAxisYSecSettings(string moniker)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tReset = new ResetChartAxisYSec()
tAxis = new AxisId()
id = moniker + "!AxisYSec"
// Reset secondary Y axis settings
var result = somClient.ResetChartAxisYSec(tReset);
return result;

See also:
