

ChartAxisLevelLines GetChartAxisLevelLines(LevelLinesId tLevelLinesId)


tLevelLinesId. Moniker for working with chart axis level lines.


The GetChartAxisLevelLines operation gets settings of chart axis level lines.


To execute the operation, in the tLevelLinesId field specify moniker for working with level lines. Moniker format: Regular report instance moniker!Sheets!sheet key!Objects!chart identifier!axis identifier!LevelLines. The following axis identifiers are available:

The operation results in the obtained level line settings.


Below is the example of getting chart axis level line settings. The request contains moniker for working with level lines. The response contains the obtained settings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetChartAxisLevelLines xmlns="">
<tLevelLinesId xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetChartAxisLevelLinesResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<lls xmlns="">
  <mt>%Computation : %Value</mt>
<lls xmlns="">

JSON request:

"GetChartAxisLevelLines" :
"tLevelLinesId" :

JSON response:

"GetChartAxisLevelLinesResult" :
"lls" :
"i" : "0",
"v" : "1.5",
"callft" : "0",
"ls" :
"clr" : "#000000",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"lb" :
"v" : "0",
"f" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "8",
"units" : "Pt"
"fc" : "#000000",
"mt" : "%Computation : %Value"
"i" : "1",
"v" : "2.5",
"callft" : "5",
"ls" :
"clr" : "#000000",
"s" : "0",
"w" : "0.25"
"lb" :
"v" : "1",
"f" :
"family" : "Tahoma",
"style" :
"it" : "Regular"
"size" :
"width" : "-1",
"height" : "8",
"units" : "Pt"
"fc" : "#000000",
"mt" : "Average"
public static ChartAxisLevelLines GetChartAxisLevelLines(string moniker, string sheetKey, string chartId, string axis)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetChartAxisLevelLines()
tLevelLinesId = new LevelLinesId() { id = moniker + "!Sheets!" + sheetKey + "!Objects!" + chartId + '!' + axis + "!LevelLines" }
// Get chart axis level line settings
var result = somClient.GetChartAxisLevelLines(tGet);
return result;

See also:
