Method for Working with Push Notifications

To work with push notifications, execute requests using the "push" API method (determine user token before executing the request):

curl -X GET '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/tokens/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Accept: application/json'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/tokens/add/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"token": {"value": "<token>","platform": "ios"}}'

curl -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/tokens/add/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"token": {"service": "firebase", "platform": "android", "value": "<token>"}}'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/tokens/remove/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"tokens": ["<token>"]}'

The example of response:


curl -X GET '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/topics/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Accept: application/json'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/topics/subscribe/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"topics":["<topic 1 name>","<topic 2 name>",...,"<topic n name>"]}'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/topics/unsubscribe/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"topics":["<topic 1 name>","<topic 2 name>",...,"<topic n name>"]}'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP address DNS server name>/api/v1/push/send/<template name>/user/<user name>/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"title": "<title>","body": "<body>"}'

The example of response:


curl -X POST '<IP topic or DNS server name>/api/v1/push/send/<template name>/topic/<topic name>/' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <user token>' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"title": "<title>","body": "<body>"}'

The example of response:


When push notification is passed to a specific user or to all users, the request body contains the parameters specified in the template:

-d '{"title": "<title>","body": "<body>"}'

For example, the specified values of the title and body parameters will correspond to the following template:

  "notification": {
    "title": "{{title}}",
    "body": "{{body}}"

  "aps": {
    "alert": {
      "title": "{{title}}",
      "body": "{{body}}"

See also:

Server API | Setting Up Push Notifications