Method for Administrator Authentication

To work with HTTP requests, the administrator should execute authentication. The authentication automatically determines a unique identifier that is an administrator token.

To determine an administrator token, execute request manually using the "auth" API method:

curl -v -X POST '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/admin/auth/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username": "<administrator login>", "password": "<administrator password>"}'

The example of response containing administrator token:


To change password of the authenticated administrator, execute request using the "change-password" API method:

curl -X POST -v '<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v2/accounts/staff/local/change-password/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>' -d '{"password": "<new password>", "confirmed_password": "<repeat new password>", "old_password": "<old password>" }'

The example of response:


See also:

Server API