Restoring Mobile Platform Server Availability

Mobile platform server unavailability is characterized with errors during API user authentication and unavailability of administrator console in the browser.

To restore mobile platform server availability:

  1. Check access to proxy server used in the corporate environment. To do this, check mobile platform server availability:

curl "<http or https>://<IP address or DNS name of prepared server>/api/v1/status/"

<http or https>://<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/status/

After executing one of the operations, a JSON string is obtained containing mobile platform server availability check result.

The successful result of mobile platform server availability check:

{"message":"Welcome to Foresight Mobile Platform.","time":"2019-03-19T12:35:53.390324"}

NOTE. A mobile platform server can be checked without authentication.

If after sending a request directly to a mobile platform server, the server returns a correct answer, and sending a request via proxy server returns a different answer, the corresponding proxy server is unavailable. Check incorrect work of the proxy server and solve the error. To quickly restore proxy server work without executing diagnostics:

    1. Restore the proxy server virtual machine from backup and execute a request to check mobile platform server availability.

    2. Make network routes active.

    3. Check certificate validity.

    4. Exclude possible activity of network protection system for some time.

If the proxy server works correctly but mobile platform server is unavailable:

  1. Restart a mobile platform server. To do this, use the docker-compose utility and the docker-compose.standalone.yml configuration file:

    1. Delete the running Docker components with data saving:

% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml down

    1. Restart the containers:

% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml up -d

If centralized logging of mobile components is enabled, commands will differ:

% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml -f docker-compose.metrics.yml down

% docker-compose -f docker-compose.standalone.yml -f docker-compose.metrics.yml up -d

  1. Check status of Docker containers:

% docker ps -a

After executing the command, a table with information about containers is displayed: identifier, name, status, and so on. If container status in the STATUS column differs from Up, this container is not started. To start a container, execute the command:

% docker start <container identifier>

In the <container identifier> substitution use the container identifier specified in the CONTAINER ID column.

  1. Repeat Step 1. A mobile platform server should return correct answer.

  2. Open administrator console.

After executing the operations, mobile platform server availability is restored and administrator console is opened.

See. also:

System Error Monitoring