In this article:


Operation Log

Development Environment Debug Output

Debug Info of Task Scheduler

Advanced Logging and Getting Additional Debug Output


When working in Foresight Analytics Platform, the kernel forms and displays debug output. For details see specialized programs, for example, DebugView, which is included in the Sysinternals software package.

Debug information is not saved anywhere by default. In some cases it may be needed to determine the cause of some errors. For this purpose, the user can write debug output to a file. All the settings for logging debug information are stored in the operating system registry. Note that outputting debug information to a file slows down the development environment and applications. Thus, remove the parameters specified below after the problem is investigated and the log file is no more required.

The description below displays the example of the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] registry key that is used only for the current user. If it is assumed to determine settings for all operating system users or settings are determined during the work with Foresight Analytics Platform BI server, the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] registry key should be used.

Operation Log

Debug messages are created and displayed by means of the REG_DWORD parameter WriteToDebugOutput located in the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\Log]. By default, this parameter can be absent in the registry, debug messages are output by the platform kernel. To disable output of all debug messages, except for information about loaded and unloaded libraries, create the WriteToDebugOutput parameter with the 0 value.

To output debug info to file, make changes in the registry:

  1. Create the Log section in the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0] if it is absent.

  1. Set the parameters in the Log section:

To output additional debug info of development environment and task scheduler make changes in the registry specified below.

Development Environment Debug Output

Debug output can be used to detect errors, which may cause memory leaks. To log in the file the debug info generated by development environment kernel, make changes in the registry:

  1. Make sure that the registry contains the Log section with the FileName and SeverityLevel parameters.

NOTE. Development environment debug information is output if the SeverityLevel parameter is set to 0.

  1. Add the following parameters:

Debug Info of Task Scheduler

To log in the file the debug info generated by task scheduler, make changes in the registry:

  1. Make sure that the registry contains the Log section with the FileName and SeverityLevel parameters.

NOTE. Task scheduler debug info is displayed if the SeverityLevel parameter is set to 0.

  1. Create the Scheduler section in the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0] if it is absent.

  1. In the Scheduler section create a REG_DWORD parameter and set it to 3:

To log task scheduler debug info in Linux OS, set the <LOG> section in the configuration file structure.

See also:

Additional Settings of Development Environment