Setting Up Selection of Dimension Elements

Selection of dimension elements is used to select data displayed in a table, chart and other visualizers.

Selection can be changed by means of:


Dimension context menu



On changing the selection in the dimension all dependent dimensions are automatically rebuilt and then dimensions depending on them are rebuilt, and so on.

Selection Options

Select or deselect element

Select all

Select with data

Deselect all

Select level

Select descendants

Deselect descendants

Multiple selection and aggregation in fixed dimensions

Selecting Calendar Dimension Elements

When working with calendar dimension elements selection, it is available to select selection mode: elements or levels. Selection mode depends on the mode, which is set in the report used as a data source.

Using Selection Schema

A selection schema can be used if the dictionary, based on which a report data source is built, has at least one selection schema.

A selection schema is a repository object used in dictionaries for automatic selection of elements according to specified rules.

A selection schema will be applied automatically until it is not disabled.

Create a selection schema by selected elements

Apply selection schema

Edit selection schema

Using a Group of Elements

A group of elements can be used if the dictionary, based on which a report data source is built, has at least one group of elements.

A group of elements is a repository object used in dictionaries to limit the list of available elements.

Create a group of elements by selected elements

Select group of elements

Edit group of elements

Using Alternative Hierarchy

Hierarchy selection is available if the current dictionary has at least one alternative hierarchy or custom hierarchy.

An alternative hierarchy is a hierarchy of any other dictionary linked with the hierarchy of the main dictionary for elements association or a custom hierarchy created via editing dimensions or adding a new calculated element.

Hierarchy selection

See also:

Data Express Analysis Mode