Data Entry Forms Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IDataEntryForm The IDataEntryForm interface is used to set up data entry form.
IDefAttributeArea The IDefAttributeArea interface is used to manage attribute area.
IDefCalclulationAlgorithmMapParamInfo The IDefCalclulationAlgorithmMapParamInfo interface is used to set up parameter binding of current data entry form and form with which calculation algorithm is linked.
IDefCalclulationAlgorithmMapParamInfoCollection The IDefCalclulationAlgorithmMapParamInfoCollection interface is used to work with collection of current data entry form parameters to data entry forms parameters with which calculation algorithm is linked.
IDefCalculationAlgorithm The IDefCalculationAlgorithm interface is used to set up parameters of calculation algorithm use in table area.
IDefCalculationAlgorithmMapInfo The IDefCalculationAlgorithmMapInfo interface is used to set up binding parameters of calculation algorithm to another data entry form.
IDefCalculationAlgorithmMapInfoCollection The IDefCalculationAlgorithmMapInfoCollection interface is used to work with collection of calculation algorithm bindings to another data entry forms.
IDefCalculationAlgorithmParameter The IDefCalculationAlgorithmParameter interface is used to set up binding of calculation algorithm parameter to data entry form parameter.
IDefCalculationAlgorithmParametersCollection The IDefCalculationAlgorithmParametersCollection interface is used to work with collection of parameters binding of calculation algorithm to data entry form parameters.
IDefCalculationAlgorithmsCollection The IDefCalculationAlgorithmsCollection interface is used to work with the collection of calculation algorithms applied in table data area.
IDefDimension The IDefDimension interface is used to set up dimension parameters.
IDefDimensions The IDefDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of table area dimensions.
IDefDrillDimension The IDefDrillDimension interface is used to set up dimension drill down.
IDefDrillDimensionLevel The IDefDrillDimensionLevel interface is used to set up dimension level drill down.
IDefDrillDimensionLevels The IDefDrillDimensionLevels interface is used to set up dimension levels drill down.
IDefDrillDimensionParameterValue The IDefDrillDimensionParameterValue interface is used to manage parameter of object opened on drill down.
IDefDrillDimensionParameterValues The IDefDrillDimensionParameterValues interface is used to work with the collection of settings for managing parameters of object opened on drill down.
IDefGroupSetting The IDefGroupSetting interface is used to set up sidehead dimension grouping.
IDefGroupSettings The IDefGroupSettings interface is used to set up sidehead dimension groupings.
IDefIndicator The IDefIndicator interface is used to set up indicator parameters.
IDefIndicators The IDefIndicator interface is used to set up indicator parameters.
IDefInputArea The IDefInputArea interface contains basic properties of entry areas.
IDefInputAreas The IDefInputAreas interface is used to work with the entry areas collection.
IDefParameter The IDefParameter interface is used to set up data entry form parameter.
IDefParameterLink The IDefParameterLink interface is used to set up a nested object parameter link.
IDefParameterLinkAttributeInfo The IDefParameterLinkAttributeInfo interface is used to set up a link with data entry form parameter attribute.
IDefParameterLinks The IDefParameterLinks interface is used to work with the collection of nested objects parameter links.
IDefParameters The IDefParameters interface is used to work with the collection of data entry form parameters.
IDefParametersApplyResult The IDefParametersApplyResult interface is used to get information about the result of applying changes in parameter settings.
IDefPrivateDimensions The IDefPrivateDimensions interface is used to work with the collection of indicator private dimensions.
IDefSources The IDefSources interface is used to work with the collection of table area data sources.
IDefTableArea The IDefTableArea interface is used to manage table area.

See also:

Data Entry Forms Classes | Data Entry Forms Enumerations