

The IDefCalculationAlgorithmParameter interface is used to set up binding of calculation algorithm parameter to data entry form parameter.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Parameters binding can be obtained using the IDefCalculationAlgorithmParametersCollection interface properties.


  Property name Brief description
AlgorithmParameterId The AlgorithmParameterId property returns calculation algorithm parameter identifier for which binding is set up.
AlgorithmParameterName The AlgorithmParameterName property returns parameter name of calculation algorithm for which binding is set up.
DictSchemaId The DictSchemaId property determines identifier of selection schema that applies to dictionary elements linked to calculation algorithm parameter.
FormParameterAttributeId The FormParameterAttributeId property determines identifier of data entry form parameter which values will be sent as calculation algorithm parameter value.
FormParameterId The FormParameterId property determines data entry form parameter identifier that is matched with calculation algorithm parameter.
SelectionMode The SelectionMode property determines value selection method on sending value to calculation area parameter.
Type The Type property determines value type sent calculation algorithm parameter.
Value The Value property determines constant value sent to calculation algorithm parameter.

See also:
