

The IDefCalculationAlgorithm interface is used to set up parameters of calculation algorithm use in table area.

Inheritance Hierarchy



calculation algorithm use parameters can be obtained using properties and methods of the IDefCalculationAlgorithmsCollection interface.


  Property name Brief description
BlockSaveData The BlockSaveData property determines whether changed data saving is blocked, if control is triggered.
CalcPeriod The CalcPeriod property determines area to which calculation algorithm is applied.
ControlStyle The ControlStyle property determines formatting style applied to cells with triggered control.
Disabled The Disabled property determines whether calculation algorithm use is enabled.
ExtendLoadSelection The ExtendLoadSelection property determines whether selection is extended on applying calculation algorithm.
HasCalcBlock The HasCalcBlock property returns whether there is a calculation block in calculation algorithm.
HasValidationBlock The HasValidationBlock property returns whether there is a control block in calculation algorithm.
Key The Key property returns calculation algorithm key in repository.
MapInfo The MapInfo property returns collection of bindings to data entry forms.
Name The Name property returns calculation algorithm name in repository.
Parameters The Parameters property returns bindings collection of calculation algorithm parameters to data entry form parameters.
SaveDataOption The SaveDataOption property determines whether data will be saved on their change using calculation algorithm.
Type The Type property returns type determining calculation algorithm use option.
Unical The Unical property returns unique identifier of calculation algorithm.

See also:
