

The IDefAttributeArea interface is used to manage attribute area.

Inheritance Hierarchy




An attribute area can be obtained using methods of the IDefInputAreas interface.


  Property name Brief description
AdvancedFilters The AdvancedFilters property returns collection of advanced filters.
AttributeKey The AttributeKey property determines key of the attribute which values will be displayed in the attribute area table.
ConsiderDefault The ConsiderDefault property determines whether default value will be saved as attribute value on creating a new element.
DefaultValue The DefaultValue property determines default value.
DictionaryKey The DictionaryKey property determines dictionary key which values will be displayed in attribute area.
ParameterAttributeKey The ParameterAttributeKey property determines attribute key of parameter with which the attribute area will be linked.
ParameterKey The ParameterKey property determines key of parameter with which the attribute area will be linked.
ReadOnly The ReadOnly property determines whether attribute area is read-only.

Properties inherited from IDefInputArea

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property returns entry area identifier.
Name The Name property determines an entry area name.

See also:

Data Entry Forms Interfaces: API