

The IDataEntryForm interface is used to set up data entry form.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with a data entry form, create an instance of the DataEntryForm class using available constructors or static method and cast the obtained object to the IDataEntryForm interface.


  Property name Brief description
InputAreas The InputAreas property returns the collection of entry areas.
Parameters The Parameters property returns the collection of data entry form parameters.
refreshOnEdit The refreshOnEdit property determines whether data entry form contents will be refreshed on opening for edit.
Report The Report property returns the report linked to data entry form.
Sheets The Sheets property returns the collection of data entry form sheets.


  Method name Brief description
_Dispose The _Dispose method clears links to objects.
RefreshDataSources The RefreshDataSources method reopens data entry from data sources.
RejectDataChanges The RejectDataChanges method cancels changes in data entry form data.
Save The Save method saves changes in data entry form structure.
SaveAs The SaveAs method creates a data entry form copy and saves it in the repository.
SaveDataChanges The SaveDataChanges method saves changed data of data entry form.

See also:
