
Assembly: Chart;


The IChartAxis interface contains properties and methods determining parameters of chart axes.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
AutoMax The AutoMax property automatically calculates a maximum on the axis.
AutoMin The AutoMin property automatically calculates a minimum on the axis.
AutoMinorTickSpace The AutoMinorTickSpace property automatically determines a value of scale spacing for additional tick marks of the value axis.
AutoScale The AutoScale property determines an automatic axis scale mode.
AutoScaleParameter The AutoScaleParameter property determines an automatic scale parameter.
AutoTextSpacing The AutoTextSpacing property determines the distance from a label to an axis line that is set automatically.
AxisPen The AxisPen property sets parameters of pen to draw axis line.
AxisType The ChartAxisType property determines a type of chart axis.
Caption The Caption property enables the user to determine parameters and contents of an axis caption.
CustomFormat The CustomFormat property enables the user to determine a custom format of values for chart axes.
DisplayGrid The DisplayGrid property determines visibility of a grid or additional scale tick marks depending on the selected mode.
DateAxisSettings The DateAxisSettings property determines dates axis settings.

The DisplayAxisLine property determines whether chart axis lines are displayed.

DisplayMinorGrid The DisplayMinorGrid property determines whether minor gridlines are displayed.

The DisplayTicks property determines whether chart axis tick marks are displayed.

DisplayUnit The DisplayUnit property sets tick mark interval for an axis.
DisplayUnitCaption The DisplayUnitCaption property determines parameters of tick mark interval caption.
EnableReducingLabelSize The EnableReducingLabelSize property determines whether label font on the value axis is automatically reduced.
Font The Font property determines a text font for chart axes.
FontColor The FontColor property determines a font color for chart axes.
GridType The GridType property determines an axis display mode.
IncludeZero The IncludeZero property determines whether zero must be enabled on an axis.
InterGridDistance The InterGridDistance property determines a minimum distance between grids.
IntervalsCount The IntervalsCount property determines the number of intervals on the Y axis.
LevelLines The LevelLines property determines parameters of chart level line.
LinePen The LinePen property determines parameters of gridlines vertical to the axis.
Max The Max property determines a maximum on an axis.
MaxJointGap The MaxJointGap property determines an end value of axis breakpoint.
Min The Min value determines a minimum on an axis.
MinJointGap The MinJointGap property determines a start value of axis breakpoint.
MinorLinePen The MinorLinePen property determines settings of gridline minor lines.
MinorTick The MinorTick property enables working with minor tick marks for each axis.
MinorTickPen The MinorTickPen property determines settings of grid minor tick marks.
MinorTickSpace The MinorTickSpace property enables the user to calculate a step between minor tick marks.
Position The Position property determines a position where the chart intersects with the orthogonal chart axis.

The PositionOffset property determines a type of axis offset relative to chart plot area.


The PositionOffsetValue property sets the distance, by which the axis is offset.

PositionValue The PositionValue property determines the distance to intersection with an orthogonal axis.
ReverseOrder The ReverseOrder property determines whether reverse order of axis values (categories) is used.
ShowCategoryLines The ShowCategoryLines property determines whether lines are displayed between category labels on an axis.
StepDistance The StepDistance property enables the user to set a minimum distance between interval values in millimeters.
StepMode The StepMode property determines a method of tick marks calculation.
StepValue The StepValue property determines a tick mark interval on the Y axis.
TextAlignment The TextAlignment property determines a text alignment method relative to the axis.
TextAngle The TextAngle property determines a label rotation angle.
TextHorizontalAlignment The TextHorizontalAlignment property determines the horizontal position of multiline label text for the category axis.
TextIsStagger The TextIsStagger property determines whether the labels of chart category axis can be arranged in a staggered pattern.
TextMultiline The TextMultiline property determines a label text wrap type.
TextSpacing The TextSpacing property determines a custom distance from a label to an axis line.
TextStaggerOddFirst The TextIsStagger property determines which labels (even or odd) are located in the first row on arranging the category axis labels in a staggered pattern.
TextVisible The TextVisible property determines whether axis labels are visible.
TickAlignment The TickAlignment property determines a position of tick marks relative to axes.
TickMarksInterval The TickMarksInterval property determines an interval between category axis tick marks.
TickPen The TickPen property determines parameters of the pen used for drawing axis tick marks.
TicksBetweenCategories The TicksBetweenCategories property determines a tick mark line position with relative to categories.
TicksOnZeroLine The TicksOnZeroLine property determines whether tick marks are displayed on a zero line.
UseJointGap The UseJointGap property sets column breaks when using scalable scale for an axis (clustering, distribution).
Visible The Visible property determines whether an axis is displayed.

Properties inherited from IChartAbstractItem

  Property name Brief description
Chart The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which a graph element belongs.
Contains The Contains property checks if the point is included into the object.
Selected The Selected property determines whether a graph component is selected.


  Method name Brief description
DisplaySelectedPoints The DisplaySelectedPoints method scales a chart so that all selected points are displayed.
ZoomIn The ZoomIn method enables the user to zoom in a certain section along an axis.
ZoomOut The ZoomOut method determines zooming out a previously zoomed in section and resetting the axis to initial state.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces