

MinorTickSpace: Double;


The MinorTickSpace property enables the user to calculate a step between minor tick marks.


The property is relevant for both main and secondary value axes.  To use this property, set the MinorTick property to True and the AutoMinorTickSpace property to False.

The MinorTickSpace property sets the number of minor tick marks between the major tick marks for the category axis. Only visible tick marks are taken into account.  The default value is 0, each tick mark is regarded as a major one. The property sets an integer value (fractional part is truncated) that specifies the number of minor tick marks between major tick marks.


Executing the example requires a form, a button named Button1 on the form, the ChartBox and UiChart components and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 that is used as a data source.

Class TESTForm: Form
    UiErAnalyzer1: UiErAnalyzer;
    UiChart1: UiChart;
    ChartBox1: ChartBox;
    Button1: Button;
    Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
        ChartBox1.Chart.AxisY.MinorTick := True;
        ChartBox1.Chart.AxisY.AutoMinorTickSpace := False;
        ChartBox1.Chart.AxisY.MinorTickSpace := 200;         
    End Sub Button1OnClick;
End Class TESTForm;

Clicking the Button1 button displays minor tick marks with the specified step on the Y axis.  

See also:
