Setting Up Calculation Algorithm Order

Calculation algorithm elements will be calculated in the order, in which they are positioned in the calculation tree.

To change element order:

IMPORTANT. Take into account order of formulas set for calculation blocks and control blocks in the algorithm calculation order. A block with formulas which result is used in other formulas must be placed before blocks where formulas use this calculation result.

Excluding Element from Calculation

To exclude single blocks, ready calculation algorithms, and branchings from calculation, select the Exclude from Calculation item in the element's context menu in the calculation tree or in the working area. The icon of the excluded element turns from green to grey in the calculation tree.

The excluded element also changes its appearance in the working area: its icon turns grey and is struckthrough. For example, the right part displays the block that is used in calculation, and the left part displays the block that is excluded from calculation:

See also:

Building Calculation Algorithm