Managing Calculation Period

Calculation algorithm parameters can manage calculation period of the entire algorithm.

Calculation algorithm parameters that manage calculation period can be selected and set up on the Manage Calculation Period tab in the Calculation Algorithm Parameters dialog box:

By default, algorithm calculation start and end are set by the user. The parameter can be used to set:

To select and set up the parameter that manages calculation start and end, select the Set Calculation Start Date from Parameter or the Set Calculation End Date from Parameter checkbox, respectively, after which determine the settings:

As a result, calculation start or end is managed by calculation parameter, and the Start Date or End Date parameter on the parameters panel is disabled:

To return to setting algorithm calculation start or end by the user, deselect the Set Calculation Start Date from Parameter or the Set Calculation End Date from Parameter checkbox, respectively.

Features of Working with Calculation Period

There are the following features of working with calculation periods:

See also:

Building Calculation Algorithm