Inserting and Setting Up Linear Optimization Blocks

A linear optimization block is used to solve a problem of optimal use of limited resources.

In the problem controlling variables are resources, and criterion function is an entity that is subject to optimization. Problem solution is finding such values of controlling variables that satisfy the specified constraints and at which criterion function takes the maximum or the minimum value. Conditions, for which the problem is created, may change. To take into account these conditions without creating a new problem, criterion function coefficients are used that enable the user to account for influence of conditions change on criterion function calculation.

Create a new linear optimization block

Edit ready linear optimization block

View criterion function

Creating and editing is executed in the linear optimization block editing wizard, in which block parameters can be set up.

Setting up linear optimization block includes the following steps:

  1. Set up basic properties.

  2. Add parameters.

  3. Set up criterion function.

  4. Set up simple constraints of controlling variables.

The LPSolve solver is used to calculate linear optimization block. Before using the block execute integration with LPSolve.

See also:

Building Calculation Algorithm