Setting Up Events

Process events during specific step execution can be set up on the Events tab of the Settings dialog box in the web application or on the Events page of the Process Settings and Parameters dialog box in the desktop application.

Set up automatically executed operations started when one of the events is occurred: starting process, stopping process steps execution, restarting process steps, finishing process execution:

To create a list of executed operations:

  1. Select the corresponding event: Start, Stop, Restart, Finish.

  2. Click the Add button on the toolbar and select the added action:

Sub <Fore-method name>(Sender: IBProcessInstance; Args: IBProcessStepStateEventArgs);


Sender. Process instance.

Args. Event information: step, step old state, new state.

When an object is selected, the Message box displays the web application URL in the format: "http://app_name/#/app/obj?key=<obj_key>&mode=view&repo=<repo_id>", where app_name - name of opened web application, repo_id - current repository identifier, obj_key - key of selected object.

To reorder executed actions, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the parameters panel on the Events tab. To delete actions, use the Delete button.

To create a list of executed operations:

  1. Select a corresponding tab with the event: Start, Stop, Restart, Finish.

  2. Click the Add button on the toolbar and select the added action:

Sub <Fore method name>(Sender: IBProcessInstance; Args: IBProcessStepStateEventArgs);


Sender. Process instance.

Args. Event information: step, step old state, new state.

NOTE. The number of added actions is unlimited.

To reorder operations execution, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the toolbar. To delete operations, click the Delete button.

After executing the operations, the list of operations started in the specified order when the particular event occurs is created. The list of automatically executed actions can be empty.

See also:

Setting Up Process Parameters | Setting Up Basic Properties | Managing Parameters