Translating Resources

Resources are used to translate text into different languages and localize images:

To get started, create new or open ready resources.

Create new resources

Open ready resources

NOTE. To translate business application menu structure into different languages, use the Business Application Resources ready resource with the APPLICATION_RESOURCES identifier in the Internal Structure of Business Application folder of business application. To translate a data entry form element, use a ready resource included in object.

To develop multilingual application resources, see the Developing Multilingual Applications article.

To use resources in custom class objects, see the Custom Class Description article.

To translate express reports titles into other languages, see the Translating Express Reports Titles article.

Main window of the Resources repository object:

Resources are divided into string and graphic ones and they are displayed as a list. For each resource, identifier, translation for default repository language and translation for current repository language.

Key features:

To use advanced capabilities for working with resources in the desktop application, see the Advanced Capabilities article.

See also:

Setting Up Multilingual Options